1. Tell me about yourself?
Focus on a characteristic that expresses your unique interests or qualities.
2. Why are you interested in our college?
Highlight your intellectual interests. What specifically about the college distinguishes it from other schools you're considering?
3. What can I tell you about our college?
Make sure you have focused questions that are specific for the college and not easily found on the website.
4. Who in your life has most influenced you?
Identify a few real, historical, and fictional characters you admire, and be prepared to articulate why you admire them.
5. Why do you want to major in...?
Express a genuine interest. You don't need to have decided upon a major when you apply to college. You can express that you have many interests and you need to take more classes before choosing a major. However, if you have identified a potential major, be prepared to explain why. Make sure the school offers the major.
6. What will you contribute to our campus community?
What exactly will you bring to diversify the college's community?
7. Tell me about a challenge that you overcame.
Explain how you handled the situation and what you learned from the experience.
8. What do you do for fun in your free time?
Use this type of question to share your genuine interests.
9. What do you see yourself doing 10 years from now?
Be honest and authentic. You don’t have to have the next ten years fully figured out.
10. Does your high school record accurately reflect your effort and ability?
Be honest. If you really did have extenuating circumstances, let the college know.
11. Recommend a good book to me.
The interviewer is trying to find out if you read much which is integral for furthering one’s education, and they want to see if you can think critically.
12. If you could do one thing in high school differently, what would it be?
A good answer shows that you didn't have the time in high school to explore everything that is of interest to you.
Students should always be prepared to ask the following questions in an interview:
1. What makes the college unique?
2. How does the school represent and support ethnic and socioeconomic diversity?
3. What is the current perception of the school by alumni? How are alumni involved with current undergraduate students?
4. What do you believe is the perception of graduates by selective graduate schools and prospective employers?
5. How has attending the college influenced you?
Focus on a characteristic that expresses your unique interests or qualities.
2. Why are you interested in our college?
Highlight your intellectual interests. What specifically about the college distinguishes it from other schools you're considering?
3. What can I tell you about our college?
Make sure you have focused questions that are specific for the college and not easily found on the website.
4. Who in your life has most influenced you?
Identify a few real, historical, and fictional characters you admire, and be prepared to articulate why you admire them.
5. Why do you want to major in...?
Express a genuine interest. You don't need to have decided upon a major when you apply to college. You can express that you have many interests and you need to take more classes before choosing a major. However, if you have identified a potential major, be prepared to explain why. Make sure the school offers the major.
6. What will you contribute to our campus community?
What exactly will you bring to diversify the college's community?
7. Tell me about a challenge that you overcame.
Explain how you handled the situation and what you learned from the experience.
8. What do you do for fun in your free time?
Use this type of question to share your genuine interests.
9. What do you see yourself doing 10 years from now?
Be honest and authentic. You don’t have to have the next ten years fully figured out.
10. Does your high school record accurately reflect your effort and ability?
Be honest. If you really did have extenuating circumstances, let the college know.
11. Recommend a good book to me.
The interviewer is trying to find out if you read much which is integral for furthering one’s education, and they want to see if you can think critically.
12. If you could do one thing in high school differently, what would it be?
A good answer shows that you didn't have the time in high school to explore everything that is of interest to you.
Students should always be prepared to ask the following questions in an interview:
1. What makes the college unique?
2. How does the school represent and support ethnic and socioeconomic diversity?
3. What is the current perception of the school by alumni? How are alumni involved with current undergraduate students?
4. What do you believe is the perception of graduates by selective graduate schools and prospective employers?
5. How has attending the college influenced you?